
In this lesson, the student will learn to:

  • Demonstrate proper putting technique
  • Improve concentration in a high stimuli environment


  • (1) Disc golf target per 10-15 students
  • (1) EDGE disc or putter per student
  • Marking cones to create ring around targets


  • Set target(s) apart from each other with enough room to form at least a 15-20 foot circle around each target. Same distance for each target.
  • Use cones to create that 15-20 foot circle around each target.


Birdies in the Basket is a fun team count up activity that kids really enjoy. Although the spotlight is on each player, it is only for a second and then it’s on to the next player. The object is to make the putt when it is your turn as this adds to your groups overall total. Groups can try to better their own score or compare scores with other groups or even entire classes.


Introduction: (5 minutes)
Review with the students all of the tips for proper putting technique including a good solid stance with knees slightly bent, body weight transfer, wrist snap to get spin on the disc, aim with your mind and then your eyes, reach out and shake hands with the chains, and follow through chin to nose.

Lesson: (15-20 minutes)
This game is set up much like “Ring of Fire”, but may be better suited for younger students. Using the marking cones, create a putting circle around each target to be used. Start the circle at 12-15 feet and adjust as your students putting improves. Students each have one golf disc and spread out around the entire circle. A chosen student starts the activity by taking their time and attempting a birdie putt to the basket. Explain that good shots in golf lead to a Birdie Putt opportunity. Teach the differences between Birdie, Par and Bogey, and how everyone loves Birdies. Announce that everyone is going to practice your Birdie Putts by trying to put the Birdie in the Basket. Alternate between going clockwise and counterclockwise or even every other person to mix it up a bit. The starting player putts on their own to start the game. If the putt is made, the group will yell “One Birdie” and the next player will go. The group then yells “Two Birdies” for the next made putt and so on. If a putt misses, the disc remains until all players have thrown. The teacher may have to nudge the putters to start, but everyone catches on quickly and games pick up speed. Once everyone putts, reflect on group performance and have students gather discs and return to their spots. A good teaching moment to reflect on comes when either an obvious hurried putt misses or a slower putt connects. It’s not a race, it’s about making putts that count. 

Try to beat the previous score. Have other groups play around their target and compare scores. Keep classroom high scores for other classes to try and beat.

This is a good opportunity for observational learning to occur so express good technique as everyone will be paying attention to the thrower. “Nicole did a good job by extending her arm and hand like she is shaking hands with the chains.”, “Just a little higher and harder, and those will all go in.”
  • At the end of several small-sided games have the entire class go around one target and get a classroom-high score to compare with others that week.
    Types of putts to try
  • Freestyle (any way you want)
  • In-Line Stance
  • Straddle Stance
  • From a knee
  • On one leg